Have you ever had a phenomenal cup of coffee? Maybe you brewed it on your own, or perhaps you bought some at your local coffee shop? There are lots of styles of coffee, and several ways to make it. Keep reading to learn helpful information about coffee before you buy more in the future.
When you only want to have one cup of coffee, try using a single cup machine. This machine offers different flavors and you can make just one cup at a time. All types of makers exist, each having different features.
If you want to add sweetness without adding calories, then consider trying sugar alternatives like Stevia. Stevia is a natural product derived from plants, so it will sweeten your drink without adding unnecessary glucose to your bloodstream or weight to your waist. Stevia is now available in most supermarkets.
You might not think of coffee as being good for you, but it can actually be beneficial to your health. Coffee by itself is not unhealthy, but adding too much cream or sugar can make it so. Natural sweeteners like honey or stevia can be added in place of unhealthy items.
French Press
For hearty flavor, try using a French press for your next coffee. The paper filters in a drip-style coffee maker absorb the flavorful oils in coffee. A French press works differently. It has a plunger, which shoves coarsely ground coffee beans to the carafe’s bottom. Critical oils are retained, boosting the coffee’s flavor.
Do not reheat coffee after it has been brewed. This has been said to release harmful chemicals, although that is false. Coffee will not taste as good after about thrity mintues of being on heat. The breakdown of the compounds cause the coffee to taste bitter.
Take note of the water you’re using to brew your coffee. If the water tastes bad, so will the coffee. It is a great idea to make sure there are some minerals in the water. If there are no minerals in the water, the coffee may be bitter.
Be certain to buy coffee made from organically grown beans because these coffees do not contain pesticide. Coffee beans will absorb some of these dangerous chemicals, and the flavor will be altered. Find an organic coffee and you will notice it tastes much better.
Surely you have found after reading this article that you have more choices than you ever imagined. You’re probably tempted to go pick some up right now. Happy shopping, and make sure you remember the tips you’ve read here as you figure out your next purchase. When you make the right choices, it really is good to the last drop!